Wednesday, April 2, 2008

New Job..........

So Ive decided to take the Non-profit job....Which oldly enough is located in a sad little building off of a major hwy. (the Government job had a new building and was located beautifully near the mountains.)

So at my new job I will have a case load of about 18 to 25. All Mentally disabled men and woman that need care and instruction. I will be responsible to visit each person on sed case load once each month. I will also be responsible for direct care staff (which includes covering for them if something happens and they cant work).

I must say that I'm still a bit surprised that they even asked me to take this job. I mean I don't have a lot of experience but I'm thinking that this may be were I should be. ( that was kind of a confusing sentence. I will have to tell you that my gramer and spelling is not always the best so maybe you will be generous and just smile at me and give me a few pointers sometimes. My feelings are very delicate so don't be too harsh or I may crumble into a pile of dust that just gets swept under a carpet and then trampled on (nobody likes dust under a carpet!!))

So what do you think? This is a good choice? or should I go with the Gov and all those Bananas???

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