Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My sister and I went to get all of our hairs cut this weekend! it was fun. She got about 6in off and I got about 4 off. SO my hair is super short!!! like almost to my ears!!! crazy! It is a bit shorter than i wanted it but that is ok b/c I as temted to get a "fro" cut and just have about an inch of blond curly hair all around! (now does that shound like fun or what?) So do I like it??? well yes but I know I will love in in a few weeks or a month!! I cant wait to straiten it and pin it up to see what kind of crazyness I can do with it!

I have church tonight so we will se what happens when everyone sees that I am practacly a hairless cat! Yikes!! lol ;)

Friday, March 14, 2008


I finaly understand why people are so up in arms over all the mexican immigration.....

When I was in College I never could understand why people would not like all things Mexican (including the people who are here). I had many international friends from all over but most of them were from Centeral America and Mexico. And they were the coolest! I loved the way they talked and expressed themselves. I loved thier clothes, music and that they all loved to dance!! So for a few years in college I tried really hard to be a little blond Latina! I was always hanging out with some latins, going to dances with them, eating with them, and I even dated a guy from Panama! That was fun! Latin boys are super fun and sweet and know how to treat a girl. (and they are sooo cute too!)

So...I was odviously in the mind set of "wow! everything Hispanic or Latin is wonderful!" I was learning little songs in spanish and was sooo convinced that I would move to central america (maybe teach english or something) and marry a super cute latin guy and have little dark headed kiddos with blue eyes! (*this is reality... What really happend is that I fell for the best man at my friends wedding a few years ago and married a boy who is part Duch and part middle eastern. Now if thats not crazy I dont know what is! All the kids in my hubbys fam have dark hair and eyes and olive skin. But thier mom is super white white white!! Blue eyes, blond hair, very fair skin and looks nothing like the rest of the fam! End reality)

But what I found after moving to the big city with my Hubby was that the places that all the illigle hispanics (mostly from Mexico) lived the crime when up! the property values went down and things became very uncomfortable and unsafe for many families. This has made me very said. It is like finding out that your best friend or that some of your most favorate people in the whole world are not a good or cool as you thought. But insted they take things from other people and hurt them!!!
I also feel bad for all the Immigrants that are assoicated with this munch that takes jobs, lowers the standard of living, hurts property values, and creates an unsafe enviroment. Because as we all know it only takes a few germs to make a body sick. It only takes a few bad people to mess up up for hundres or thousands!!! And this again gives me more sadness.

I have also been finding out that the huge immigration from Mexico to USA is causing farms and labor hevy buisness to crumble and close. There just are not enough workers to keep things going in MEX. Farmers have to go get labor from other MEX states and hope that they stay around thought the whole harvest. B/c what happends is the farmers bring in workers who work for a few weeks and then run for the boarder!! so then they have to find new workers. The sugar cane harvest for example usually takes one or two months to compleet but this year it took about five months!! Farmers then have to rais the price of thier product which then makes it harder for the people to buy it which then weakens the MEX econimy and makes more people think about going to the country "up stairs". This is like being caught in a spinning marrigo-round that will not stop!

These people who are tring to make a better life for them selves (which is a really good thing) but they are doing so at the cost of the country they have come to and the contry they have come from. I don't have any answers really but I think it needs to start with MEX. The balence of wealth there is so up side down its not funny. So unless all those fat cats want to start being their own maids some day they better start putting some $ into thier country or they (and usa too) will be flushed out the poo.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Nervous Take over!!

After almost seven months of nothing....I have three job interviews with in one week. I cant believe it!!! How crazy!!! My first is today and then there is one Monday and Wednesday. Im excited and happy but so nervous that I could chew my arm off!!!
I really wanted to post and say good luck to me!!! (well that is a funny thing to say....oh well)

Also Ive been dreaming of spring and cant wait for all the flowers to come out!!! I cant wait till I have a house of my own were I can plant lots and lots of happy flowers. I want daises and daffodils, and roses, and lavender and maybe some hyacinths...... So fun!!! and then we can have some tomatoes and beans!!! So wonderful!!!

I love the way that God made the earth to grow and renew! He is so good and amazing!!!!